Monday, August 6, 2018


Written by Bernard Gbayee Goah
President, Operation We Care for Liberia

No matter where they come from, who they are, their status in society or their tribal affiliations, they must all pay for their crimes.
A crime is a crime regardless of who over-reacted or under-reacted.
International crimes were committed in Liberia by a handful of individuals. And these individuals must be brought to justice for their crimes under international law.
We must all remember that Liberia is a signatory to so many international human rights conventions and laws.
It is time that Liberia abides by these conventions under international law.
As such, we want a WAR CRIMES COURT for Liberia!


Written by Bernard Gbayee Goah
President, Operation We Care for Liberia
Unless you are prepared to take the pains 
Sometimes from the people you love the most
The very people whose rights you so seek
Follow me not, my friend.
It’s like a pink elephant that sits in the room
That no one dares speak about.
Unless you are prepared to say something
Unless you are prepared to do something about it
Even in the face of danger
Follow me not, my friend.
The path I have chosen is very unpopular
But I regret not a bit
For my message is very clear.

Those who caused the deaths of innocent people in Liberia 
Must be brought to justice!
Although the wheels of justice appear to turn too slow
I know they surely are not stopping.
No Matter how long it takes
Justice will be served in Liberia!
And if you want to be a part of all of this
You must be brave and strong.
I am more determined and resolute
In the pursuit of justice for the voiceless
Even when death stands at the doorsteps of those I love
Victimizing them to their early graves
Be they victimized by those who hate the cause I seek or not
Never will I give up
To walk the path I have chosen.
If you are only brave, my friend...
Know that bravery is only a part of the equation
For to be brave alone is to die
You must be strong as well
You need both in order to survive
In walking the path I have chosen.
This justice I so seek
As life-threatening as it has begun
But for the sake of mankind
Especially innocent civilians killed
During the Liberian civil war
I have no desire to quit.
Unless you are brave and strong
To walk the path I have chosen
Follow me not, my friend.